• One French engraver, born in Nantes, is almost better known in the British Isles than he is in France : his name is J.E. Laboureur (1877 - 1943).  Although little interested in the army, he was recruited by the Translation and interpretation corps in the French Infantry, and served as an interpreter to the Tommies during WW1; he also documented the daily life on the battlefront (Flanders).


    On J.-E. Laboureur

     His collection of American types in Saint Nazaire is also extremely interesting :


    On J.-E. Laboureur (1877 - 1943)


    Before the war-period, Laboureur had been an avant-garde painter:

    J.E. Laboureur Grand Café du Commerce


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  • DULCE PINZON is a Brooklyn-based Mexican artist’s work :

    In the post-9/11 context, this photographer aims to reconsider the notion of what a hero is. Of course the word itself was more and more frequent in conversation, as it was necessary to qualify so many people who’d shown extraordinary courage or determination in the face of danger, sometimes sacrificing their lives trying to save others. But we sometimes forget those who sacrifice immeasurable life and labor in their day to day lives for the good of others ; aren’t they somehow heroes too ? 

    Immigrant workers in New York exemplify those heroes who have gone unnoticed. “It is common for a Mexican worker in New York to work extraordinary hours in extreme conditions for very low wages which are saved at great cost and sacrifice and sent to families and communities in Mexico who rely on them to survive”, Pinzon says.

    The principal objective of her series is to pay homage to these brave men and women that have no  supernatural powers but manage to withstand extreme conditions of labor in order to help their families survive.

    This project consists of 20 color photographs of Mexican immigrants dressed in the costumes of popular superheroes, but captured in their work environment; each photo is accompanied by a short text including the worker’s name, Mexican hometown, number of years in New York -- and the amount of money they send to Mexico each week. (Source :)



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  • Discover with Paul Auster how close fiction can become to later reality ...

    Paul Auster’s LEVIATHAN (1992) opens with Benjamin Sachs being killed in a bomb blast. It was perhaps an accident, but his friend of fifteen years, Peter Aaron, thinks back over their years of friendship and comes to realize that Benjamin‘s suicide, constructing a bomb in northern Wisconsin, is quite possible. Aaron feels driven to make sense of what happened to his friend and how he came to be sitting by the road when it exploded. So the conclusion of the story is revealed right from the beginning, and all the narrator, Aaron, has to do is explain how Sachs arrived at this tragic climax. 

    Strongly opposed to America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, Sachs was willing to serve a prison term rather than be drafted. During his time in prison, he wrote a brilliant novel, whereas Aaron must agonize over every word of his writing before he is truly satisfied. LEVIATHAN takes its name from a sea monster, but it also connotes something that is large or formidable. The forces that drive Sachs to his ultimate demise seem very much larger than life: over the fifteen years of their friendship, Sachs became more and more estranged from those close to him. No one could put all the pieces of his life into one coherent whole. Auster remarkably conveys how friendship, sexual desire, betrayal, and random acts of violence mingle in contemporary American life -- a powerful reading experience.

    Leviathan was published while the FBI were stalking “the Unabomber”, Ted Kaczynski (responsible for 16 bombings, three deaths and 23 injuries over a period of 17 years). Auster anticipated several aspects of the real life criminal's past, including his university-connections.

    Auster is seldom predictable, though  certain themes recur again in his work, “notably a sense of existential  isolation, a love-hate relationship with words.“ (Ted Gioia) Leviathan captures the despair of the author in an age in which texts have become empty husks, no longer conveying power and meaning, like the moment when the writer puts down his pen and turns to bomb-building instead, and (apparently) leaves to the old school interpreters of acts and texts, the local police and the FBI, the job of explaining how this once promising writer went from books to bombs. But Sachs’s personality cannot be that of an urban terrorist; nor can it coexist with the CV and modus operandi the police considers.

    With thanks to : 



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  • « Hi ! everyone, can you guess who I am ? --  I was designed by Sir Alexander Binnie, and constructed by John Cochrane & C°. I once replaced a ferry and would daily enable workers to reach the London docks and shipyards. My lifts were installed in 1904. I am found  50 ft deep and my length is 1,215 ft. I link Greenwich and the Isle of Dogs. You can still admire my glazed domes : I am … I am … ? »

     Well, the answer is Greenwich Foot Tunnel. Incredible : you will even hear the Tunnel if you  log in to this website : < sonicwonders.org/greenwich-foot-tunnel >

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  • From 24th to 29th October, 1929, five days marked the beginning of the Great Depression: from the famous "Black Thursday" (24), to the "Black Tuesday " (29)
    It was only in 1954 that the September 1929 peak, which preceded the crisis, was equalled.
    Since 1926, it had been allowed for investors at NYSE ("New York Stock-Exchange") to BUY SHARES 
      on a 90% credit; in 1929, interest rates became superior to earnings. So on October 24th, 1929, there were no buyers. The famous Wall Street crash had begun.
    In 3 weeks, the losses amounted to $ 30 billions. Millions of Americans lost their jobs, money, and status. In 1931, all western economies were in crisis. WW2 interrupted the depressionary trend.
    It was feared the October 2008 crisis might reduplicate the Great Depression.


    Vocab.: buy shares : acheter des actions en bourse; interest rates : taux d'intérêt ; earnings : les gains ; loss : perte ; depressionary trend : tendance à la dépression ; reduplicate : redoubler, répliquer ; the Great Depression : la Grande Crise de 29 .



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